Thursday, 20 October 2011

Pemuda PBB Padungan percaya kebijaksanaan ahli-ahli SUPP selesai kemelut politik dalaman

Pemuda PBB Padungan meletakkan sepenuhnya kepada kepercayaan ahli-ahli SUPP untuk menyelesaikan kemelut politik yang melanda parti tersebut.

Pemuda PBB Padungan percaya apa jua keputusan yang diambil oleh ahli-ahli SUPP, ianya akan mendatangkan kesan yang positif keatas keutuhan Parti Barisan Nasional.

Walaupun ada suara-suara yang mungkin cuba mengadu-dombakan ahli-ahli SUPP dari masyarakat Cina dan Bumiputera, Pemuda PBB Padungan percaya ahli-ahli SUPP tidak akan terpengaruh dengan hasutan sedemikian.

Kaum Cina dan Bumiputera seringkali bekerjasama demi kesejahteraan masyarakat di masa lampau.

Dan Pemuda PBB Padungan percaya, kerjasama yang erat ini akan tetap diteruskan di masa hadapan.

Akhirkata, Pemuda PBB Padungan mendoakan agar Parti SUPP akan menjadi lebih utuh dan kuat sebaik sahaja selesaikan kemelut politik ini.

Sekian. Terima kasih. 

Ir. Haidel Heli
Ketua Pemuda PBB Padungan

by Peter Sibon. Posted on October 19, 2011, Wednesday

KUCHING: A SUPP sources alleges exclusion of reps a ploy to exclude Bumis from top leadership.

A source from Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) told The Borneo Post yesterday that the proposed Central Committee line-up of the Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui and Datuk David Teng (Chin-Teng) team for the party election in the coming Triennial Delegates Conference (TDC) scheduled for December 8-11 will not include any of the party’s elected representatives.

Under the proposed Chin- Teng line-up, Chin would be the president; Datuk Sim Kheng Hui, deputy president; Teng, secretarygeneral; Datuk Alfred Yap Chin Loi, treasurer-general; Datuk Lily Yong and Andy Chia, vice presidents and Sih Hua Tong, Youth chief. 

"In the proposed Chin-Teng team, the six elected state representatives are not in their line-up. 

So we would like to appeal to all SUPP members to think wisely before making their decision to join their team," the source said.

The source also stressed that the Chin-Teng team excluded the six elected state representatives because they planned to exclude Bumiputera members in the party’s highest posts.

"Just imagine, if SUPP were to lose all its Chinese-majority seats, the party would be dominated by the Bumiputera wing which currently controls five areas, this is why the Chin-Teng team is excluding them," he said. 

Currently four of SUPP’s six state seats are held by Bumiputera members.

The seats are Opar, Bengoh, Simanggang and Engkilili while one parliamentary seat (Serian) is also held by a Bumiputera member. The source pointed out that it was crucial for SUPP to remain multi-racial and to include the Bumiputera members in its Central Committee line-up to ensure its survival.

SUPP is under severe political pressure after the last state election when its president and former deputy chief minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam lost his Piasau stronghold to a DAP novice Ling Sie Kiong by 1,590 votes.

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