Pemuda PBB Padungan berkeyakinan bahawa kegagalan Seminar Dayak Consultative Council di Siburan adalah disebabkan keengganan kaum Bumiputera diperbodohkan oleh DAP yang dalam diam-diam berusaha membunuh status Kaum Bumiputera di Malaysia.
Bahkan Kaum Bumiputera di Siburan patut dipuji kerana merasa jelek terhadap sikap angkuh DAP yang memperdaya kaum Bumiputera sendiri untuk membunuh status Kaum Bumiputera di Malaysia.
Sepatutnya DAP mesti didesak terlebih dahulu membuang jauh-jauh konsep Malaysian Malaysia sebelum mendekati kaum Bumiputera.
Dan bukannya menghasut kaum Bumiputera agar bergaduh sesama sendiri dan kemudiannya mengambil kesempatan dari kelemahan Kaum Bumiputera untuk membunuh status Kaum Bumiputera.
Pemuda PBB Padungan menggesa rakyat Sarawak dari kaum Bumiputera jangan terpedaya dengan janji-janji DAP bahawa parti tersebut tidak akan membunuh status Kaum Bumiputera sekiranya DAP berkuasa.
Cuba lihat apa yang berlaku di Pulau Pinang!!! Apa yang dijanjikan kepada penduduk perkampungan India sebelum berkuasa???
Marilah kita, Kaum Bumiputera di Sarawak, bersatu menentang niat jahat DAP yang hendak membunuh status Kaum Bumiputera!!!
Sekian. Terimakasih.
Ir. Haidel Heli
Ketua Pemuda PBB Padungan-----------------
Posted on October 13, 2011, Thursday
SERIAN: DAP will continue to organise more Dayak Consultative Council (DCC) seminars despite the failure of last Sunday’s event in Siburan, said the party’s Serian branch chairman Edward Andrew Luak.
He revealed that a quick post mortem on the failure of the seminar in Siburan showed it did not materialise due to wrong timing.
“The matter was blown out of proportion when local media highlighted this small event and BN politicians concluded to say that the failed seminar means total rejection by the rural electorate.
“This is a democratic party and every political party has the right to spread its ideology to anyone. Only when the party is badly defeated and its candidates losing their deposits, can you say the party is rejected by the people. Wait for next election and say what you may after that,” he said yesterday.
Edward, who is also DCC member, was commenting on The Borneo Post report on Tuesday which quoted several BN leaders as saying that DAP should forget about bringing their brand of politics to the rural areas.In defence of DAP, he said earlier seminars held in Miri, Sibu and Bintulu registered full capacity, which proved that Dayaks did not reject DAP.
On the failed seminar in Siburan, he said it was initially planned for Saturday, October 8, but was postponed to Sunday, October 9, to suit the schedule of one of the key speakers.
He went on to say that more than 50 people responded positively to the seminar in Siburan when it was first announced, while the organisers made the announcement on the date change through the Internet last Tuesday, four days before October 8.
It was anticipated that the change of date would not matter much to the participants, he added.
“That assumption was proven wrong. Lesson learnt (by us). The intended participants were basically all Christians and most of them attended church services which ended at around noon (while the seminar starts at 1pm until 4pm). They normally end up with family lunch after church.
“Furthermore, Sunday to them is a ‘Day of Rest’ and they normally refrain from heavy stuff events. Some had prior family outing which again is normally planned on a Sunday,” he said.
He also said the seminar in Siburan will be held again on another date to be decided later. He even claimed there is a popular demand for a similar seminar to be held in Serian soon.
Daknya menanam rasa benci kepada Bumiputera sesama Bumiputera dan menyamakan mengundi kerajaan gabungan kinek yang majoriti Bumiputera dan Melayu Sarawak sama ngan UMNO.
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